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Culture. Regions

Applications submitted for the program 180

The program is focused on promotion intercultural dialogue between representatives of different ethnic groups in Ukraine; popularizing the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of Crimea, the Pryazovia and Black Sea regions of Ukraine; enhancing the cultural attractiveness of the regions by stimulating local cultural development of communities, including in the regions affected by Russian aggression; generating new competitive cultural products, building partnerships in the cultural and creative industries; expanding the choice and opportunities for access to cross-sectoral culture.

The goal of the program is to support projects aimed at increasing regional cultural diversity, including the cultures of the indigenous peoples of Crimea and the unique ethnic cultures of the Azov and Black Sea regions in the life of Ukrainian society.

The program "Culture. Regions" program corresponds to the following priority areas of the Foundation's activities: 

  • To promote the preservation, restoration, protection and popularization of the cultural heritage, cultural values and national memory of the Ukrainian people in order to strengthen the modern Ukrainian identity and form common values of civil society.
  • Assistance in the implementation of modern digital technologies, development of innovative cultural products, cross-sectoral, interregional cultural and artistic projects to unlock creative potential, effective creative and economic activity in the field of culture and creative industries.
  • Support of cultural diversity (projects of ethnic communities, national minorities and indigenous peoples, including unique ethnic cultures that are in a threatened situation) and cultural and artistic projects which are aimed at increasing cultural tolerance and respect, which will contribute to the citizens' sense of belonging to Ukraine.
  • Support the respect of cultural rights, barrier-free access to consumption and creation of cultural products, and equal opportunities for personal development and self-realization for all citizens and communities.
  • Funding of projects that are aimed to counteract the informational and cultural component of Russian military aggression, understand Ukraine's role in ensuring the security of Europe and the world against the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, and memorializing the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people.

The objectives of the program "Culture. Regions" program:

  • Increasing the capacity of communities to generate competitive cultural products aimed at local development.
  • Support of new local cultural products which popularize the cultural heritage of the region and stimulate its touristic potential, particularly aimed to preserve, develop and represent the products of folk crafts and manufactures.
  • Promotion of regional culture, cultural diversity and values of national minorities and ethnic groups, and their harmonious coexistence.
  • Preservation, development, and representation of the cultural diversity of regional cultures, including the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of Crimea and the unique ethnic cultures of the Pryazovia and Black Sea regions, which are in a threatened condition.
  • Stimulation of cross-sectoral partnerships and support for competitive projects that are potentially attractive for attracting non-state investment and capable of sustainable development.
  • Support the cultural potential of regions, in particular those affected by Russian aggression.

The program budget for 2023 is UAH 22 million.

"The Culture.Regions" program supports the following sectors:

  • visual art
  • audio art
  • audiovisual art;
  • performing and stage arts;
  • cultural heritage
  • literary affairs;
  • cultural and creative industries.

The following LOTs are available within the Culture. Regions competition program:

  • LOT 1. "Local culture"
  • LOT 2. "Culture of indigenous peoples and unique ethnic cultures of the Azov and Black Sea regions"

Deadlines for application and project implementation

Submission of the project application for the competition: 23.01.2023 - 06.03.2023 (until 18.00 Kyiv time)

Competitive selection: 07.03.2023 - 29.05.2022

Implementation of projects including reporting: from the date of signing the Grant Agreement by the Foundation, but not earlier than 05.1.2023, until 10.31.2022

Contacts: [email protected]

Program registeries

Program dates: 23 January 2023 — 31 October 2023