+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]

LOT 3. Culture and education

LOT “Culture and Education” support priorities: 

  • introduction of artistic practices in the educational process of secondary, technical and higher education non-artistic institutions;
  • development of education as a progressive direction of combination of game and educational practices in formal and informal educational process;
  • involvement of pupils and students in artistic practices in extracurricular time;
  • strengthening the knowledge of educators about the modern cultural and artistic process for promotion in educational programs.

The direct target audience of projects should be pupils and students, teachers of educational institutions of all levels of accreditation and all forms of ownership. A participatory method of involving a direct audience in the project implementation is welcome, as well as the search for non-standard solutions to strengthen the cultural component of the educational process.

Within the framework of LOT, cooperation between a cultural and artistic organization and an organization representing formal or non-formal education (except for educational and cultural institutions) is welcomed.

LOT budget: UAH 10 million

Minimum grant amount (cannot be reduced): UAH 100 thousand

Maximum grant amount (cannot be increased): UAH 700 thousand

Priority products for LOT (the list is not complete):

  • educational program
  • modern educational materials (comics, educational animation, video or board game, etc.)
  • performance
  • edition
  • exhibition / exposition
  • video content
  • radio content
  • TV show
  • festival
  • creative space (hub)

Please note: all projects supported by the Foundation must be in Ukrainian or provide translation into Ukrainian!

Partner - Public Union "Osvitoriya".

Osvitoriya is a non-profit public association that helps change and develop education in Ukraine. Its main areas of work are the creation of innovative schools and programs, helping teachers to learn and providing access to quality education for children from low-income families.

The LOT applicant may be a legal entity of all forms of ownership or a natural person-entrepreneur registered in Ukraine in accordance with current legislation for at least one year on the date of announcement of the competition (November 20, 2020) and has relevant experience in the field of education. 

Submission of a project application for the competition: 20.11.2020 - 15.01.2021 (competition of ideas) and 15.02.2021 - 12.03.2021 (submission of application packages)

Competitive selection: 01.03.2021 - 03.05.2021

Implementation of projects, including reporting: from the date of signing the Grant Agreement with the UCF, but not earlier than 01.06.2021, to 08.11.2021

Lot open calls

Program dates: 20 November 2020 — 30 September 2022