+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]
06 November 2018, 02:11

In accordance with the Order No. 25 dated May 18th, 2018, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation announced three types of contests:

Competitive selection of projects was carried out in two stages:

1) July 3-8, 2018 - the first stage of the competition, which included analysis of project applications on compliance with the technical criteria of evaluation by the Foundation’s Directorate;

2) July 9 - August 9, 2018 - the second stage of the competition, which included the evaluation of project applications on financing eligibility by independent experts.

Appendix No. 1 to the Order approved the instructions for applicants.

For each type of competition, a separate part of the budget has been allocated. Also, ratings of winners of each type of competition were separately formed.

In accordance with Order No. 28 dated May 24, 2018, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation approved the Methodology for evaluating project applications. Each project was evaluated by three independent experts independently of each other. The average score was formed on the basis of expert rates.

All projects, that passed the 70-point expert threshold, were submitted for approval by the Directorate. The part of the project applications whose budgets exceed 150 minimum wages (500 thousand UAH), were passed for approval by the Supervisory Board (in accordance with Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation").

Following the negotiation procedures, the grant agreements were signed with the winners.

The following applicants were eligible to take part in contests and receive financial support from the Foundation:

  • legal entities of all forms of ownership that are registered on the territory of Ukraine not less than two years before the start of the competition and have experience in implementing projects;
  • united territorial communities, including newly formed ones;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • local authorities.

In accordance with Chapter VII., Paragraph 1.1. Instructions for Applicants "Essential Requirements for Applicants", the applicant - is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who participates in the announced project competition through submission of the project application. In the case decision on the financing of the project is made, the applicant becomes the project executor and receives the right to dispose of the grant funds for the project operation.

The same applicant could participate in no more than one project application filed within a single contest. That means, that one applicant could submit three applications (one for each type of competition).

Many projects have taken this opportunity:


OTR1260 - Development of the Series of films "The Heart of the Universe. Part 2 "- 421 641.48 UAH

OTR2024 - Documentary film "The View from the Wheelchair" – 1 281 316.96 UAH

“RODOVID Publishing” LLC:

OTR1361 - "OUR COAT OF ARMS. Ukrainian symbols from the knyaz times to the present "- 460 595.00 UAH

OTR2033 - TEURA. Sophia Yablonskaya. Publishing-exhibition art project – 1 279 722.00 UAH

Charity Foundation "Omriyanaya Kraina":

OTR1363 - Project for children's boarding schools "Music of my people" - 493 521.00 UAH

OTR2035 - Concert musical show program "The Holders of Elements" – 1 420 279.00 UAH


OTR1593 - Full-length film "The Road" - 499 606.83 UAH

OTR2097 - Experimental screenplay laboratory "Kinovaven" - 796 473.36 UAH

Private entrepreneur Grigorenko Galina Vladimirovna:

OTR1585 - Open Opera Ukraine: baroque master classes. Current baroque vocal techniques from European experts - 261 656.86 UAH

OTR2098 - "Didona and Aeneas": opera without walls. The project of the national musicians’ network -  

1 474 075.68 UAH

State institution "Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies":

OTR1378 - Source-study studios on the history of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine: "World triumph of Shchedryk"- 100 years of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine" – 499 200.00 UAH

OTR2093 - Creation of a virtual museum of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine - 988 978.00 UAH

NGO "Ivano-Frankivsk Chamber of Commerce ":

OTR1567 - "A&B - Art and Business" - 500 000.00 UAH

OTR2078 - Kray*KA DESIGN - 1 315 000.00 UAH

NGO "All-Ukrainian Democratic Forum":

OTR1303 - The screenplay of the feature film "Vincenz" - 390 000.00 UAH

OTR2032 - The movie about Oleg Bochkovsky - 955 921.14 UAH

OTR3022 - The concept of the center of Stanislav Vincenz - 752 529.24 UAH


OTR1180 - "THE KING DANYLO. Rus vs. Horde "- Comic book - 499 468.00 UAH

OTR2028 - Promotional campaign of the Ukrainian contender for the Oscars award in Los Angeles –     1 499 170.00 UAH

Private entrepreneur Voloshchuk Natalia Ivanivna:

OTP1173 - Presentations of the project "Under the Pinzel star. Baroque art and the music tuning  era" in the East of Ukraine - 224 382.00 UAH

OTR2013 - Virtual Space of Borshchivska embroided shirt – 834 836.00 UAH

NGO "Association of Graduates, Teachers and Friends of Kharkiv National University named after. V.N. Karazina":

OTR1100 - School - Practicum of cultural managers "ART Laboratory" - 162 654.00 UAH

OTR2045 - Multidisciplinary project - Platform "Armed and dangerous" - 482 695.55 UAH

NGO "Kharkiv City Public Association "Center for Community Development":

OTR1150 - Flower Day - 380 395.00 UAH

OTP2014 - Line of Culture - 1 118 100.00 UAH

LLC "InsightMedia" Producer Center:

OTR1269 - Development of the cinema project of the 12-episode television series "Traitor" - 495 695.00 UAH

OTR2026 - Development of the cinema project of the 12-episode television series "Anatra-Anasal" - 700 336.00 UAH

NGO "Zhytomyr, make it louder!":

OTR1126 - Monuments of late modernism of Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr region - 464 221.00 UAH

OTR2008 - October in October - 1 491 452.00 UAH

LLC “Tabor”:

OTR1285 - Spas - 490 532.44 UAH

OTR2064 - Children's interactive play “Constructor" from 0 to 3 years - 896 273.61 UAH

National Union of theatre representatives of Ukraine:

OTR1160 - Autumn scenography school of the National Union of theatre representatives of Ukraine - 183 743.00 UAH

OTR2036 - All-Ukrainian Museum Forum - 471 380.00 UAH

LLC "Pronto Film":

OTR1405 - Development of a project for a feature-length documentary "To See the Sky" - 456 319.81 UAH

OTR3020 - Conceptualization and development of the project of children's feature film "Circle of Life" – 1 001 117.88 UAH

Private entrepreneur Nedbayev Oleksandr Nikolaevich:

OTR1473 - Ukrainian Indiana - 500 000.00 UAH

OTR3014 - Documentary film "Beneficial narrow-gauge railways - The treadway of life" -

1 998 797.20 UAH

LLC "Animation Studio "Karandash":

OTR1458 - Animated film "The History of One Love, or Perfect Perversion" - 499 955.00 UAH

OTR3010 - Animated film "Soup from the heart" – 1 034 017.50 UAH

At the moment, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation analyses competitive procedures and would appreciate proposals on their improvement at: [email protected] until November 15, 2018.

Категорія: Новини