LOT 4. Art Objects and Design

Інструкція для заявників ЛОТ 4

Support priorities for the LOT:

  • creating art objects by Ukrainian artists, including assistance in the revitalization of industrial facilities;                                                                                                             
  • creating innovative designs for public spaces, supporting the development of visual trends in street cultures;                                                                                                             
  • increasing the number of creative art objects in public spaces to promote culture;
  • involving local communities (LCs) in cultural and artistic practices and/or consumption of cultural products by creating mobile art spaces (cinemas, libraries, exhibitions, etc.);                                                                                                              
  • supporting high-quality innovative projects that develop new types and directions of art and design, increase the number of cultural products available to a wide audience;
  • stimulating the development of cross-sectoral partnerships and supporting competitive projects potentially attractive for non-governmental investments and capable of sustainable development;
  • increasing the number of consumers, attracting new audiences to the consumption of the national cultural product;
  • creating curatorial exhibition projects that promote Ukrainian and foreign art, expand the range of artistic names and phenomena, and update socially important topics;                                                                            
  • supporting a high-quality cultural product that will contribute to the formation of Ukrainian identity and create a positive image of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Total budget* of the LOT is UAH 20 million**

Minimum grant amount (it may not be reduced): UAH 400 thousand 

Maximum grant amount (it may not be increased): UAH 2 million 

Priority products of the LOT: 

  • art object;   
  • redesign of public space;
  • murals/graffiti;                                             
  • mobile art space;                                  
  • art exhibitions in offline or online format;
  • online gallery;
  • developing the identity of cultural organizations and creative industries.


The definition of “art object” may include certain arbitrary object, a spatial body, or an architectural facility that carries both material and artistic value, and is designed to evoke certain emotions in the audience, conveying the author's creative idea.

Please note that primarily this LOT shall support creation of new art objects and exhibition projects. All exhibition projects are supported, except for museum, library and archive projects – their support is provided for by the Cultural Heritage program.

* UCF reserves the right not to spend all funds provided for in this LOT.

**Please note that the LOT budget may change both upwards and downwards, after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approves the Law of Ukraine On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022.

Заявниками ЛОТ-у можуть бути юридична особа всіх форм власності або фізична особа-підприємець, що зареєстрована на території України відповідно до чинного законодавства не менше, ніж за один рік на дату оголошення конкурсу та має відповідний досвід діяльності у сфері культури.

Подача проектної заявки на конкурс: 08.11.2021 – 20.01.2022 (до 18.00 за київським часом)

Конкурсний відбір: 21.01.2022 – 06.05.2022

Реалізація проектів включно з поданням звітності: з дати підписання Договору про надання гранту Фондом, але не раніше 30 квітня, до 31.10.2022

Lot open calls

Program dates: 08 November 2021 — 31 October 2022