+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]

LOT 7. Urban studies and creative hubs


LOT “Urban Studies and Creative Hubs” support priorities: 

  • reinterpretation and modernizing of creative spaces (specifically libraries and cultural centres in all regions of Ukraine) for cultural leisure of different audiences, including children and youth;
  • revitalization of historical and architectural monuments and industrial objects; 
  • creation of innovative designs for public spaces, support for development of visual street cultures; 
  • increasing the number of creative art objects in public spaces for popularization of culture;
  • involving local communities in cultural and artistic practices and/or consumption of cultural products through mobile cinemas, libraries, exhibitions, etc. 

Total budget for the LOT is UAH 10 mln*

Minimum grant amount (that cannot be decreased): UAH 100.000 

Maximum grant amount (that cannot be increased): UAH 1.5 mln

The only sector supported under the LOT: cultural and creative industries. 

*Please note that the LOT budget may change both in the direction of increase and in the direction of decrease, after the Verkhovna Rada approves the Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021".

**UCF reserves the right not to spend all the funds provided by this LOT

Applicant for the LOT can be a legal entity of all forms of ownership or an individual entrepreneur, registered in Ukraine in accordance with the current laws not less than a year before the competition announcement and duly experienced in the field of culture.

Project application deadline: 07.10.2020 – 14.01.2021 ( 18.00 Kyiv time, GMT+2)

Project selection procedure: 15.01.2020 – 30.04.2021

Lot open calls

Program dates: 01 October 2020 — 31 December 2021