+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]

LOT 3. Art Residencies


LOT “Residencies” supports priorities: 

  • support for institutionalization of residencies as open spaces for individual/collective creation of a cultural product in all sectors of culture and creative industries; 
  • promotion of residencies in small towns and rural areas;
  • promotion of cultural understanding, exchange of artistic experience between representatives of cultural and creative industries; 
  • support for high-quality projects contributing to unified Ukrainian identity and positive image of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Total budget for the LOT is UAH 20 mln*

Minimum grant amount (that cannot be decreased): UAH 50.000

Maximum grant amount (that cannot be increased): UAH 1.500.000

*Please note that the LOT budget may change both in the direction of increase and in the direction of decrease, after the Verkhovna Rada approves the Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021".

Applicants for the LOT can be legal entities of all forms of ownership or individual entrepreneurs, duly registered in Ukraine in accordance with the current laws not less than two years before the competition announcement and duly experienced in the fields of research and analytics.

Project application deadline: 05.10.2020 – 14.01.2021 ( 18.00 Kyiv time, GMT+2)

Project selection procedure: 15.01.2020 – 30.04.2021

Lot open calls

Program dates: 01 October 2020 — 31 December 2021