+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]

LOT 2: Scholarship for the restoration of cultural and artistic activities

Instruction for applicants LOT2

All sectors of culture and arts are supported via the "Scholarship for the restoration of cultural and artistic activities" LOT:

  • audiovisual art
  • visual art
  • audio art;
  • performing and stage arts;
  • cultural heritage;
  • literary affairs;
  • cultural and creative industries.

The total budget of the LOT* is UAH 5 million.

Minimum grant amount (cannot be reduced): 50 thousand UAH. 

Maximum grant amount (cannot be increased): UAH 200 thousand. 

Priorities of LOT 2 "Scholarship for the restoration of cultural and artistic activities":

  • Support for individual cultural and artistic activities of artists throughout Ukraine.
  • Support for artists who create a cultural and artistic product with a broad cultural and educational component on the contemporary theme of the war with the Russian Federation and the memorialization of the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people.
  • Support for cultural figures and artists who contribute to strengthening the morale oUkrainians and uniting the international community against the Russian aggressor.

Terms of participation in the competition: 

  • Applicant - may submit one application.
  • Only a citizen of Ukraine can apply for the LOT.
  • The geography of the project is exclusively the territory of Ukraine (except for the occupied territories).
  • The result of the project should be a cultural and artistic product and/or the resumption of cultural and artistic activities (restoration of the scholarship holder's artistic capacity).
  • The scholarship ensures compliance with the priorities of the LOT. 
  • The language of all scholarship projects supported by the Foundation is Ukrainian.

* The UCF has the right not to spend all the funds provided by this LOT. Please note that the budget of the LOT may change both in the direction of increase and decrease in case of amendments to the relevant regulations.

Стипендіатами ЛОТу  можуть бути фізичні особи, громадяни України, які досягли віку 18 років та провадять свою професійну діяльність у відповідних  секторах культури та креативних індустрій та здійснюють свою діяльність на території України.

Подача проектної заявки на конкурс: 09.12.2022 – 23.01.2023 (до 18.00 за київським часом)

Конкурсний відбір: 01.02.2023 – 15.05.2023

Реалізація проектів включно з поданням звітності: з дати підписання Договору про надання гранту Фондом, але не раніше 1 квітня, до 31.10.2023

Lot open calls

Program dates: 09 December 2022 — 31 October 2023