+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]
01 March 2022, 20:03

Dear friends from international organizations, networks, cultural and media sectors!

February 24th, 2022 radically changed our world. During the 36 days of the war in Ukraine, more than 20 museums and art galleries, more than 100 reserves and cultural heritage sites, more than 500 cultural hubs, creative workshops and art centers were destroyed, damaged and looted.

On behalf of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and all cultural organizations and institutions in Ukraine, we are asking for your solidarity and support. Today is March 1st, which means that we have the 6th day of a full-scale russian war against Ukraine. As of the morning of 28th February, 352 civilians have been killed, 14 of them children. 1,684 people were injured, including 116 children, according to the Ministry of Health. This is a war of scale unseen in Europe since 1945, and the whole world is watching it. Watching is not enough. Attacks continue and the Ukrainian army bravely defends us.

For decades, cultural institutions and individuals affiliated with the russian state were used as tools for imperialist propaganda, hybrid warfare, and beautification of putin's criminal regime. This has to stop now!

Please help Ukraine by stopping any cultural cooperation with the russian federation:

  • Exclude russian organizations from international networks and unions;
  • Suspend russian participation in international cultural events such as festivals, biennials, exhibitions, art and literature fairs, including the russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale;
  • Boycott events organised by russian institutions as well as international foundations that are directly and indirectly linked to or funded by putin’s regime and russian capital;
  • Cancel any cooperation with russian artists, no matter how great or famous, as long as they openly support putin’s regime, silence its crimes, or do not publicly and directly oppose it;
  • Remove representatives affiliated with the russian state or russian capital from supervisory and advisory boards of your organisations;
  • Refuse any donations, funding or sponsorship from russian organisations, their proxies and affiliates based in other countries;
  • Organise cultural events dedicated to Ukraine and its fight against russia.

We have to speak! Do not be silent! Communicate your decision publicly to encourage your peers to follow your example.

We call to boycott the russian federation now! We have to isolate russia in the global cultural arena!

Your support is essential to our survival as a nation!

Категорія: Статті