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18 December 2020, 12:12

The Ministry of Culture and Informational Policy of Ukraine announced the results of the online rating vote on the election of the relevant part of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation - two members of the public institutions and two representatives of cultural ones.

Rating online vote have lasted for two weeks. At the end of the voting, the counting commission processed the electronic protocol of the online voting, applications from candidates to the Supervisory Board of the Foundation and applications from authorized persons.

During the processing of these documents, it was established that 218 out of 232 authorized persons voted for candidates from cultural institutions, and 117 out of 121 authorized persons voted for candidates from public associations.

Results of the voting:

from cultural institutions:

Artemenko Yury Anatoliyovych

Kornienko Vladyslav Viktorovych

from public associations:

Suslensky Olexander Semenovych

Tuluzov Ihor Georgiyovych

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation", the Supervisory Board of the Foundation consists of nine persons - two persons appointed by the President of Ukraine, two persons appointed by the central executive body, which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in culture and arts , two persons - representatives of cultural institutions, two persons - representatives of public associations and the Chairman of the Foundation (ex officio) ".

According to Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation" the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine is tasked with electing representatives of cultural institutions and public associations to the Supervisory Board of the Foundation by conducting a rating online voting.

Категорія: Новини