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09 April 2021, 16:04

Zakharevych Mykhailo Vasyliovych, appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation in accordance with the part 2 of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation” and the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine dated 28.01.2021 No. 40, resigned on his own volition.

In accordance with the Regulations of the UCF Supervisory Board, a meeting was held at which three candidates for the position of the Chairman of the Foundation were nominated for consideration and appointment by the central executive body that ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in culture and arts sphere:

  • Larysa Mudrak, public figure, media expert, publicist.
  • Larysa Latypova, Executive Director of the Aspen-Ukraine Association of Graduates
  • Lilia Mlynarych, founder of the Koktebel Jazz Festival, producer

Категорія: Новини